Monday, November 24, 2008

Sleep Grins Part II

So I mentioned before that Emmett is being stingy with his smiles - he only smiles when he's falling asleep. Since he is holding out on me I decided that I would need to be his baby stalker and watch his every move so I can get as many sleep grins as possible. So I watch him sleep. And it totally worked! I caught it on tape!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sleep Grins

So according to all of the baby books I read - Emmett should smile ANY day now. Starting at 6 weeks they are a little more social and aware of their surroundings. But I still haven't seen anything yet. Ben says he smiled at him yesterday while he was counting to him (in Chinese) but I have my doubts (sshhhh. Don't tell him). Anyway, in my mind ONE smile doesn't count. It has to be consistent smiling. So whenever E. is awake I talk to him, play games, sing songs, tickle him hoping he will crack a smile. But he's giving me nothing. Nada. Zip.

All I get now are sleep grins. This is when the baby smiles in his sleep. He doesn't KNOW he's smiling. Basically his face is twitching while he is falling asleep and to us it looks like a smile. I'll take what I can get now. I managed to catch one of those fleeting twitches the other day.

Notice his eyes are not fully open. But it's still a cute smile, right?!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Daddy Care

So before Emmett joined us in this lovely world Ben took a "How to care for a Newborn" class. Let me tell ya- it has paid off for sure. Ben is in charge of changing diapers, burping and grooming Emmett's fingernails.

Here you see Ben ready to dive in and change a most likely poopy diaper. Life is like changing a babies diaper. You never know what you are going to get.

Baby fingernails grow really fast! Emmett likes to use his nails to scratch the heck out of his face (and sometimes my boob). Well, he probably doesn't LIKE to do it. He just has no muscle control. This is how Ben "cuts" Emmett's fingernails. He bites them. We read somewhere that you can use those tiny nail clippers (which are totally useless) or just bite the nails off. Aunt Sherry tried to use the nail clippers and gave Emmett his first cut.

Ben reading Richard Scary to Emmett. If I wrote children's books I would not want my name to have the word "scary" in it. Just sayin'.

What do you think Emmett is thinking about here?

Friday, November 7, 2008

One Month Check Up

We made a trip to the Dr.'s today for Emmett's one month check up. He did a great job! Ben and I were wondering if he had some baby acid reflux going on but it turns out the spitting up, grunting and arching of the back is normal. Who knew?

Here are his stats!
Weight: 9lbs. 1 oz (from 6lbs. 4 oz.) He gained close to 3 lbs. - 25th percentile
Height: 22 inches (from 19.5 inches) - 75th percentile

Check out his chubby neck! I find all sorts of interesting stuff in those folds. Lint is the most common thing but I did find some bread crumbs. I guess I should stop eating toast while holding him.

He also got a shot today :( He did not like that but he was a trooper. I guess the visit to the dr. wore him out cause he slept for most of the day.

Which means he's gonna be up all night. Oh joy.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mr. Photogenic

Mr. Emmett had the chance to be the star of his own photo shoot a few weeks ago. Our neighbors are professional wedding photographers but would also like to get into portrait photography. So they offered to take some photos of Emmett while he was still an itty bitty thing.

The photo shoot took a lot longer than I thought it would. It takes a lot of time to stage everything and I had to feed Emmett so he would sleep. The other issue we came across was his need to pee on everything. Naked pictures are the best but it ain't pretty behind the scenes. We were very thankful he did not poop. At one point Ben was worried about Emmett getting cold being nakey butt and all so I stood there with a blow dryer over him to keep him warm. Now that is super star status for sure. Emmett had his very own personal assistant keeping him warm. Let's hope this doesn't spoil him.

Alright - no more talking. You want to see the pictures already

Notice how his foot is strategically hiding his "goods".

Sporting Auntie Sherry's hat she made for him

Another hat Aunt Sherry made - Grandma Trudy loves this hat!

I wish he was delivered to me this way. In a basket with a nice blanket on the couch.

Ben holding Mr. E. This is when Emmett decided to pee on daddy.

Don't mind my cleavage here. That was totally staged. I think this is one of the few shots that Emmett is looking at the camera. It's a miracle they got this cause he kept wanting to eat while we were laying there.

And one of my favorites.
Our neighbors are still looking to build their portfolio with newborn portraits so if you happen to be pregnant or know someone who is and due in the next few months let me know! I'll send their info along to my neighbors.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Okay - so it's a day late but whatever. Here are some cute pictures of Emmett dressed up in his "costume". It's not really a costume but something festive that Ben got at Target.

The pumpkin that Grandpa carved

Emmett's shirt says, "Mommy's Little Monster"

This has nothing to do with Halloween. It's just a cute picture. I also have no idea why this is underlined and I am too tired to try and fix it.