I discovered this place called "My Gym" one day while taking a walk with Emmett around the neighborhood. It's basically a place for kids to be active and do fun stuff. Even though Emmett is only 6 months old, I thought it would be fun for us/Ben to take him to some classes. The first day was a lot of fun! I think Emmett had fun - it definitely wore him out. He totally crashed on the way home and took a long nap.
Ben is worried about being the new kid in class.
Um. What the heck am I sitting in and why am I sinking?!
He hasn't quite mastered the sitting up thing.
He looks scared cause we were rolling him in this. I have a video of this I will post later.
Circle time! They sing songs and dance.
One of the coolest things they had there was a gliding airplane!!
He looks like he had a good time, right?!