Monday, August 11, 2008

Belly Button Trauma

I love my belly button. I have always been very proud of it. It's just perfect. When I was young I would play with it until I fell asleep. Instead of sucking my thumb or sleeping with a woobie (or blanket) I would put my finger in my belly button and everything in the world would be right.

About 10 years ago (when it was the cool thing to do) I decided to decorate by belly button with a ring. Let's be honest, if you want to draw attention to your favorite physical attribute you embellish it, right?

Then I got pregnant. Ben told me that I would need to get remove it. He told me this as soon as we found out I was pregnant. I was in denial. Then the day came when the baby and belly ring could not co-exist together. So I said my goodbyes and took it out. Actually, Ben did it cause I couldn't.

That was hard...BUT last week - I was seriously traumatized. Ben and I went to take a belly picture and he says, "What's going on with your belly button?" So I looked down and I almost cried. My perfect inny was starting to pucker. I have seen those pregnant belly people who's belly button starts to stick out. But I thought there was NO WAY my button was going to do that cause it was a pretty deep inny. But it's starting to work itself inside out and I am now checking it every day to see if it's changed.

I do not like the belly button sticking out like a button thing at all (sorry to those people who have outies...). So my master plan is to stick a band aid over it if it decides to rebel. Then I found out about the Popper Stopper!! A sticker for your belly button. I love it!


Unknown said...

That's hilarious. My bellybutton never popped out but it did get pretty flat.

Unknown said...

oops, that was from me, cynthia

Anonymous said...

Ha! By month 7 or 8, mine looked like one of those pop-up timer things in a Butterball turkey...kind of like it was announcing, "The kid's done! Time to get her out of the oven!" (It's back to its innie status now, though, I'm happy to report. :-)