Wednesday, July 30, 2008

People Say Weird Things to Pregnant People

This is what I have noticed now that I am CLEARLY pregnant. It was like one day my belly decide to become huge and everyone noticed. Once people see that you are pregnant they say very strange things to you.

Case #1:
I am at a party with Ben. A man asks me when I am due. I tell him October 29th. He then says, "Do you want to know what a half baby (meaning half Asian and half Caucasian) looks like?"

Ummmm...I was so caught off guard with that comment I replied, "No, thank you. I know what they look like since I have many nieces and nephews that are half."

I so WISH I said, "Yes! Absolutely. Which half are you going to show me? The top half or bottom half? If it's the bottom half then I'm sure it will look like an ass just like you!"

Case #2
I went to the DHL Shipping Center to pick up a package. I am standing in line patiently. A guy comes up to me and says, "Hey, which picture do you like better?" He whips out his iphone and shows me two pictures of the nearby nuclear power plant (which is kinda random). But I am polite and tell him I like the 2nd picture. I **think**he's flirting with me but I have no idea cause he's acting very strange. Then he looks down at my belly and says, "WOAH. You have a bump. Are you due next month or something?" I tell him that I do have a bump and due in 3 months. He then says, "Well, I'm a photographer and take pictures of pregnant ladies. If you want your picture taken just give me a call." He gives me his business card.

Let's vote on this. Which one do you think is more random?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Arguing with a Pregnant Person

If you don't know this about me already - then you will learn something new today. I am a food hoarder. I do not like sharing my food....AT ALL. I love eating out just so I can take home the left overs and then eat them the next day. But I have discovered that food does not last long when you have a big strapping boy around who pretty much devours everything in sight and eats every 2 hours.

So when Ben made a move on some of my food the other day this is the conversation that ensued:

Karen: "Don't eat my food (namely ice cream). Otherwise the baby will be malnutritioned."

Ben: "Malnutritioned is not a word. The baby will not come out malnutritioned cause there is no such thing."

Karen: "It is a word. It means to come out all skinny and decrepit. You don't want the baby to be like that, do you?"

Ben: "No, I don't want the baby to be skinny and decrepit. But "malnutritioned" is not a word. It's not a verb it's a noun. The word is "malnutrition" and it's a noun."

Karen: "Uh huh. It is a verb. I can use it in a sentence. "The baby will be malnutritioned if you keep eating my food." By this point I figured he was right but I just couldn't let it go.

Ben: Silence. By now he is brushing his teeth and ignoring me.

Karen: "See. It is a word."

This is what I figure. I have the right to make up words and be irrational because I am pregnant. Anyone want to argue that one with me!?

Friday, July 25, 2008


Well we're heading into the 3rd trimester starting…

NOW! (7/26)

They grow up so fast. I remember when I first laid eyes on that first fuzzy black and white picture of 'the baby' way back in May. I thought that time would last forever. I thought he would stay the size of a kumquat forever. Alas! Now he is the size of a durian.

But to every thing, turn, turn, turn.

Now that his eyelids are open, I'll have to start doing something different. I just know it.

They said baby will change everything, but I never realized just how much until the 3rd trimester.

Finger Fat

Well. It's official. My fingers are getting chubby. Before we left for Jamaica I took off my rings. I read somewhere that it was not wise to wear expensive jewelry to foreign countries. I had to work REALLY hard to get them off and I'm afraid that I can't get them back on.

Normally, this would be very depressing. But I'm actually happy! What's the good news about this you ask?!?! I got to buy another ring! I can hardly go around meeting with clients without a ring. They are definitely going to look for my ring (it's part of the wedding thing right?) and so I should have SOMETHING there.

So I went to Kay Jeweler's (would not recommend this place to anyone, btw) and bought myself a beautiful Sapphire Ring. It was on sale so I didn't feel too bad about the purchase. Check it out!

What's even better is that the Sapphire gem will be the babies birth stone (for October). What if the baby is born in November you wonder? Well, I guess I would just have to go myself another ring. A topaz ring :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What Our Baby Will Look Like

I stumbled across some random website and it says, "Click here and find out what your baby will look like!". So I clicked cause I want to know what this kid is going to look like.

Let's just say that the website was not exactly high tech.
It asked for our names and that's it.

This is the picture that shows up and says:
"Karen and Ben your future newborn will look like this"

I laughed pretty hard.

Monday, July 21, 2008

48 Hr Film Festival

I was busy this weekend with a little help for my friends, playing with some different roles before I get ready to play my role as a father figure (as the father of the baby).

Here is the end result: 'wiggy' with it!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Do the questions ever end?

I was pondering life today on my way to Tiburon where I had a wedding to setup. It occurred to me that the questions never end....

It starts in high school...
1. Where are you going to college? (Not sure if I want to go to college. Do I have a choice?!)
2. What's your major? (Undecided. How the heck am I suppose to know what I want to do with the rest of my life when I am 18 years old?!)
3. When do you graduate? (4 years once I decide on a major)
4. When will you find a job? (When someone is willing to hire me.)
5. Do you have a boyfriend? (No - because I don't have a job.)
6. Once you FIND that boyfriend...When are you going to get married? (As soon as I convince him I don't want to get married then it will happen)
7. Once you get married - When are you going to have babies?!
8. And then you decide with your husband that you are going to start a family. Then comes the biggest question of ALL. And this is the stage I am at right now.

What are you going to name the baby?!

Jeez. I don't know. Ben seems to have some ideas but I'm having a really hard time with this one. Being a teacher doesn't help. Every name that is brought up reminds me of a kid that has ADHD, Asperger's, Tourettes, tics, Autism or is just plain annoying.

But I do want a cool name. What parent doesn't? So then I thought of the best name ever. Rocket. That is a cool name. Rocket Burling. But I 'm pretty sure that won't even make it on the maybe list with Ben. Then I thought, "Sting is a nice name. How did he come up with that name?" Of course one of his songs was playing on the radio at the time. Hmmmm....what's a name close to Sting? Maybe "Jab"? Or "Gouge?" Too violent. I don't want to actually puncture, draw blood or cause that much pain with the name. Maybe Slap?

So the search continues....anyone have suggestions?! Ben(jamin) also decided this morning that the name has to have 3 syllables (Just like his). So I need a non-invasive or painful name with 3 syllables. I have about 3 more months to come up with something....and then I get to look forward to the next question.

When is Baby Rocket Burling going to have a brother or sister?!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hello Mon'

Ben and I just got back from our vacation from Jamaica. It was a much needed vacation and we did a whole lot of relaxin'. This was our "babymoon" - we figured we would leave the country one more time before the baby arrives!

So let's talk numbers...
2 nights in Montego Bay
4 nights in Negril
2 friends that made the trip that much better (thanks Ann and Caroline!)
23 mosquito bites for Karen
1 big "ass" bruise on Ben's bottom from doing a cannon ball off the cliff into the ocean
5 virgin pina coladas consumed by Karen
7 Red Stripe beers consumed by Ben
?? Too many mixed drinks for Ben. We visited an all inclusive resort where the drinks were free and let's just say Ben drank his monies worth.
2 lightning storms
5 times Karen threw up while traveling

The Good:
Negril was awesome. The ocean is warm and the water is beautiful. This preggo went kayaking and snorkeling. I did a whole lot of nothing.

The Bad:
Montego Bay sucked. We stayed there for two nights. I smelled ganja (sp?) everywhere. The mosquitoes pretty much ate me alive. I could only use 10% deet and that wasn't enough to deter them. Especially since Ben wore 30% deet - who else were they going to eat but me given the choice?

The Ugly:
I get motion sickness pretty easily. Dramamine (and most over the counter medicines) are not good for the bambino. So I threw up a lot. Twice on the way to Jamaica. Three times on the way home. Not pretty. Let's just say I made up for the "no morning sickness" thing.

The Little Hut we stayed in for one night.

Love the mosquito net

The bridge that Ben jumped off from

Around the hotel grounds

We swam in the pool when the ocean was to rough

Ben lounging and Caroline on her floatie. We held our own Olympic event called
The Floatie Race. Ben versus Caroline. Caroline won cause Ben was
not allowed to use his arms.

Gold Medal goes to the big belly

Getting ready for some sun!

Dinner at the Rockhouse Hotel - this is the view!

A pina colada (virgin) for you. Cheers!