Saturday, July 19, 2008

Do the questions ever end?

I was pondering life today on my way to Tiburon where I had a wedding to setup. It occurred to me that the questions never end....

It starts in high school...
1. Where are you going to college? (Not sure if I want to go to college. Do I have a choice?!)
2. What's your major? (Undecided. How the heck am I suppose to know what I want to do with the rest of my life when I am 18 years old?!)
3. When do you graduate? (4 years once I decide on a major)
4. When will you find a job? (When someone is willing to hire me.)
5. Do you have a boyfriend? (No - because I don't have a job.)
6. Once you FIND that boyfriend...When are you going to get married? (As soon as I convince him I don't want to get married then it will happen)
7. Once you get married - When are you going to have babies?!
8. And then you decide with your husband that you are going to start a family. Then comes the biggest question of ALL. And this is the stage I am at right now.

What are you going to name the baby?!

Jeez. I don't know. Ben seems to have some ideas but I'm having a really hard time with this one. Being a teacher doesn't help. Every name that is brought up reminds me of a kid that has ADHD, Asperger's, Tourettes, tics, Autism or is just plain annoying.

But I do want a cool name. What parent doesn't? So then I thought of the best name ever. Rocket. That is a cool name. Rocket Burling. But I 'm pretty sure that won't even make it on the maybe list with Ben. Then I thought, "Sting is a nice name. How did he come up with that name?" Of course one of his songs was playing on the radio at the time. Hmmmm....what's a name close to Sting? Maybe "Jab"? Or "Gouge?" Too violent. I don't want to actually puncture, draw blood or cause that much pain with the name. Maybe Slap?

So the search continues....anyone have suggestions?! Ben(jamin) also decided this morning that the name has to have 3 syllables (Just like his). So I need a non-invasive or painful name with 3 syllables. I have about 3 more months to come up with something....and then I get to look forward to the next question.

When is Baby Rocket Burling going to have a brother or sister?!


Anonymous said...

how'z about jabbawockee?...i threw in an extra syllable for you!

will do some thinking and let you know if i come up with any more!

Nicole Flores said...

I found these 3-syllable names on the SSA's popular baby names page(


These were in the top 1,000 names in the decade beginning with 1910. Yes, they're old and odd, but then again, you can basically rest assured that there won't be another little Waldemar in your boy's class. :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, cousin Kris likes the name Chris-toe-pher.....LOOK, 3 syllables!
Congrats and the boy!
Love you guys! ~~~Kris

Bellissima Vita said...

What about

Killian (maybe too violent)

Anonymous said...

Atom Bomb Burling


Anonymous said...

Surprisingly I know someone else who actually did name their baby Rocket. Well Mom wanted to call him Lemon and Dad wanted to call him Rocket. To settle the issue they decided to call him Milo Lemon Rocket. True