Monday, July 28, 2008

Arguing with a Pregnant Person

If you don't know this about me already - then you will learn something new today. I am a food hoarder. I do not like sharing my food....AT ALL. I love eating out just so I can take home the left overs and then eat them the next day. But I have discovered that food does not last long when you have a big strapping boy around who pretty much devours everything in sight and eats every 2 hours.

So when Ben made a move on some of my food the other day this is the conversation that ensued:

Karen: "Don't eat my food (namely ice cream). Otherwise the baby will be malnutritioned."

Ben: "Malnutritioned is not a word. The baby will not come out malnutritioned cause there is no such thing."

Karen: "It is a word. It means to come out all skinny and decrepit. You don't want the baby to be like that, do you?"

Ben: "No, I don't want the baby to be skinny and decrepit. But "malnutritioned" is not a word. It's not a verb it's a noun. The word is "malnutrition" and it's a noun."

Karen: "Uh huh. It is a verb. I can use it in a sentence. "The baby will be malnutritioned if you keep eating my food." By this point I figured he was right but I just couldn't let it go.

Ben: Silence. By now he is brushing his teeth and ignoring me.

Karen: "See. It is a word."

This is what I figure. I have the right to make up words and be irrational because I am pregnant. Anyone want to argue that one with me!?


Nicole Flores said...

You are so right, Karen. No argument here! :-)

Anonymous said...

Karen, I too like to make up words. I think that I should get to make up any new words I want if I use them correctly in a sentence. And since I get to decide that too I am always right! It's lovely!!!

Anonymous said...

PS- Love Kris

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen and Ben - so I think that "malnutritioned" is neither a verb nor a noun - it's a past participle or something like that. I mean it would be if it were a verb...Hey -what are friends for?
Anyway - great baby blog-

Mrs. F said...

I'm a total food hoarder myself and I hate sharing food, even with Yuri!